Teen Arrested After Social Media Threats

The threats, some involving clowns, were part of a flurry of anonymous threats posted this weekend and Monday against a number of schools in Prince George’s County and across the wider D.C. area. that prompted police to deploy additional officers. Prince George’s County police arrested one of the teens Monday, accusing him of setting up […]

Clown Scare Crisis

Clown Scare “Crisis”: If you ever doubted the power of social media to perpetuate a culture of fear look no further than the Clown Scare “Crisis” taking place in our cities and schools. The only reason I list this type of incident as a crisis is the fact that these events have consumed multiple hours […]

Shopping Malls: Are They Prepared to Prevent and Respond to Attack?

Shopping Malls: Are They Prepared to Prevent and Respond to Attack? The shootings in an Omaha shopping mall in December 2007 brought home, once again, what security experts have known for decades: retail malls are “soft targets.” Based on surveys of private mall security directors and State homeland security officials, researchers reported in 2006 that […]

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