School Police Officer Shoots Teen with Knife on Campus
A school police officer shot a student who was threatening his classmates with a knife at a Nevada high school Wednesday. The 14-year-old student is in critical condition at a Reno hospital and the officer involved in the incident has been placed on administrative leave, which is standard. See Fully Story:
Learning Lessons from Ohio State Attack
Regardless of whether this was an attack at a college, school or workplace the following are lessons that can and should be learned: 1. Individuals in a lockdown state at Ohio State, in the building of the attack (and others) were calling news outlets to describe the current situation. The news outlets (major and local) […]
5 Tips to Reducing “Election Day Fallout” Risk
As with most school safety and security issues there exists a timeline to where an event creates immediate medium to medium-high risk concerns, but after a 10-14 day timespan the risk level becomes medium to medium low. The incidents created in schools as a result of the election will be no different. However, until we […]