Social Media Threat Monitoring For Security
With each passing day social media sites like Facebook , Twitter and others are becoming more integrated into our daily lives. So much digital information is being share that it staggers the mind to think about it. However from a security perspective there is a silver lining here and that is this data can be […]
April 20th is not just Weed Day
April 20th is not just “Weed Day” Reducing the risks schools and colleges face on “April 20th” The History The date April 20th predominately is known as the “Great American Smoke Out” or “Weed Day” and this day with these activities have usually caused heightened risk levels on most middle school, high school, and colleges/universities. […]
House To Vote on School Security
Momentum on overhauling the country’s gun laws has practically stalled at the US Capitol, but the House will vote next week on a narrow proposal that will give schools more money to strengthen security. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced Tuesday morning the chamber would hold the vote next week on the school safety bill, […]
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